首页   癌症  心脏病  高血压  糖尿病  肥胖症   脂肪肝   痛风   骨关节炎  骨质疏松症  

维生素C  巴德维疗法  松花粉  运动疗法 阳光疗法  抗衰老   抗病毒/乙肝   English


喝电解碱性离子水会被胃酸中和 不能改变身体的酸碱度吗

进化研究发现 尿酸延长人类的寿命 Study: Uric Acid Prolong Humans Lifespan

痛风的自然疗法 Natural Remedies for Gout.pdf

水是生命健康的基础water is life.pdf

骨关节炎自然疗法 Osteoarthritis and natural Therapies.pdf

骨骼健康和骨质疏松症的自然疗法 Bone Health and Natural Cures for Osteoporosis.pdf

怎样预防深静脉血栓 [Prevention of Deep venous Thrombosis- How Blood Flows back to the Heart.pdf

饮食的脂肪影响关节软骨的健康-关节软骨损伤越严重 The association of lipid abnormalities in osteoathritic joints

骨关节炎患者的骨骼中欧米茄-6脂肪酸沉积越多 关节软骨破坏越严重 High Levels of Omega 6 Fatty Acids Found in Cartilage in Osteoathritis Patients Worsens Joint Breakdown

骨关节炎是一种代谢性(即体质性)疾病 因为它也涉及非负重关节 Osteoathritis is a metabolic disease as it also involves non-weight bearing joints

缺镁容易导致骨质疏松 ~一氧化氮介导低镁成骨细胞样抑制细胞增殖 Magnesium supplement is helpful for preventing osteoporosis

Uric acid and oxidative stress: Relative impact on cardiovascular risk

滑膜关节内营养转运的研究 A Study of nutritional transport in a synovial joint

Hypoxanthine induces cholesterol accumulation and incites atheroscelerosis in apolipoprotein E defient mice and cells

Interleukin-6 inhibitors in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Urate hydroperoxide oxidizes endothelial cell surface protein disulfide isomerase-A1 and impairs adherence

肥大细胞研究 Mast Cell Studies





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